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Did you or the agency that built your website consider the exact personas that we’re using your website when designing, developing, and creating the messaging?

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Outside of your website being responsive, was the organization of content planned for a better mobile experience?

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Website Updates That Will Help Your Sales Reps Communicate Better with HCPs

Make your website part of the team by boosting its effectiveness among HCPs and giving your sales reps the tools they need to succeed.

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Your Website Is Your New Best Sales Rep

In today’s environment, pharma sales reps face nearly insurmountable odds. Doctors barely had enough time to spend with reps as it was, and now face an even bigger barrier amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. As of two years ago, only 44% of HCPs were classified as “accessible” to sales reps — and it has only continued to decrease.

The reps that managed to get face time with doctors were only given an average of two minutes…and that was before the COVID crisis. Reps need to pitch new products and innovations, but how?

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This is where your website has the potential to make a huge impact.

Make Your Reps Happier

Virtual engagement with HCPs is here to stay and will require new ways to establish meaningful connections. Pharma websites truly serve as your primary tool, offering HCPs the information they want, when they actually have time to digest it. As brand managers, creating pharma websites that can serve as both a backup for sales reps, as well as a standalone informational resource for inaccessible HCPs, will make your marketing efforts significantly more effective.

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80% of HCPs Prefer to Get Pharmaceutical Information Online

Make sure your site is set up to deliver the pharma content doctors want, in the way they want it.

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Support Doctors by Supporting Patients

When visiting a pharmaceutical website, HCPs care most about staying abreast with current research, ongoing clinical trials, upcoming innovations, drugs in the pipeline, and the ability to translate this technical information for their patients. Too often, HCPs are forced to share medical journal articles or extremely technical information with patients, overwhelming them, instead of supporting them.

HCPs are looking to pharma websites to not only provide the technical information they need, but to provide the tools they need to educate their patients.

Pharmaceutical brand managers can support doctors by updating the website to include a patient resource center for HCPs to pull relevant content from to share. Additionally, linking a “patient version” within the technical HCP-focused content helps streamline and strengthen the pharma-HCP-patient link.

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Digital HCP Communication Tools

A clear and simple, yet informational, message is key to communicating with HCPs. But now, the struggle lies in relevancy. Identify the needs of your target HCPs by taking the time to express empathy, rethinking messaging, offering solutions and building stronger partnerships. These ideas can help you deliver the information they want, in the way they want it. Talk to an experienced pharma website developer for ideas specific to your company.

Create a toolbox for reps to reference so they don’t have to spend valuable facetime covering common questions. Reps can provide HCPs with links to the tools in advance or as a follow up to their meetings in order to maximize time spent with the prescriber.

The simpler, the better. Not only will sales reps appreciate the ability to show HCPs the info they want quicker, but the faster site visitors find the information they want, the less likely of bouncing to another source.

Create a dedicated section for each information type. Offer shortcuts to all clinical and technical research, but also offer highlights and bullets identifying key takeaways. Consider distilling impactful information into patient-ready content that HCPs can immediately share

Feature a news section for HCPs to keep up to date. Offer new release, near-term and long-term pipeline updates. Don’t just focus on research and clinical trials, but also real world stories that can help doctors and patients prepare for the future.

Medical journal articles and clinical research should be featured alongside digestible versions for HCPs to share with their patients. Pair technical content alongside an educational video targeted towards patients.

Research shows that doctors remember up to 90% of information from videos. Adding short videos can make a huge impact. Videos can make the message more personal, feature a recognized specialist, or provide an easier way for patients to understand diagnoses and impacts.

Consider creating a forum or portal for specialized HCPs to connect with other professionals in their field. Add resources, training, coursework, tools and other useful content HCPs will want to engage with regularly.

All HCPs are Not Alike

Is your pharma website customized for its audience?

Developing a pharma website that caters to individual HCPs is the next step in pharmaceutical marketing. Pharma sites should tailor the visitor’s experience based on who they are and what they are looking for at that time…even after the pandemic ends.

Quality, detailed lists – whether obtained naturally through sales reps, conferences or newsletter subscriptions, or purchased from reliable data sources — can be easily combined with email campaigns to deliver the right content, at the right time to targeted HCPs.

Additionally, creating a simple popup to classify site visitors based on whether they are a doctor, nurse practitioner, physician’s assistant, pharmacist or patient can help pharmaceutical companies funnel visitors to the right content.

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Do your sales reps struggle to make an impact with HCPs?

Brand managers can reinforce sales efforts with a website that enhances their communication with HCPs and builds ongoing provider relationships.

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