Categories: The Looking Glass

Make Your Blog Stand Out From the Crowd with Authority

Your finger hovers over that little blue button and your body temperature starts to rise generating those nervous hot sweats and shakes… you’re about to hit “publish” on your blog. OK, maybe it’s not that extreme, but posting a blog can be a stressful experience for some small businesses. Hitting the publish button doesn’t have to make you nauseous though. Working with a marketing agency in NJ can help relieve some of that stress.

Make Your Brand’s Content Pop with CMDS, Marketing Agency in NJ

Before you hit publish again on your blog, consider this: 90% of consumers prefer content marketing to traditional advertising. Not only that, but content marketing generates almost 3x as many leads! One of the biggest reasons for this jump in producing leads through a blog is that it gives your business a chance to not only speak to existing customers (with an opportunity to upsell or cross-sell), but also a way to engage prospective ones.

Everyone’s Doing it (but not exactly)

A study published in Search Engine Journal stated that 94% of small B2B business owners use content marketing, but they’re not necessarily doing it well. If you want to increase both your confidence in your brand and your company’s ROI, content should clearly be at the core of your digital marketing strategy.

Writer’s Block

Our marketing professionals realize that many businesses simply don’t have the time or resources to create a confident and effective marketing strategy which includes regular blogging. All too often, B2B small businesses face a number of challenges including:

We’ve worked with a number of local and national brands in many different industries who experienced higher rankings in organic search results and a boost in leads just by letting us rock their digital content. Keeping in line with your brand’s tone and vision, CMDS empowers businesses, just like yours, to use content marketing as a tool to engage with current consumers and turn the potential readers into new customers.

We Build Brands

According to Forbes, brand awareness is the number one goal for B2B marketers in North America. But hitting the publish button to get it done doesn’t have to make you feel like puking. Focus your efforts on what you do well (managing your business) and we’ll focus our efforts on what we do well (brand marketing) to bring more customers to your website. Contact CMDS to get started today!

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