Become a Memorable Small Business Brand

The chance to make a memory is the essence of brand marketing. – Steve Jobs

Over time, all too many small businesses get buried under mounds and mounds of data. Although data is important insight into your audience’s behavior, some brands forget about one very important factor: making memories. Instead of focusing on numbers like impressions and reach, start having conversations and become memorable through branding.

Know the Differences between Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations and Branding

Many businesses use advertising, marketing and public relations to convince consumers to buy their product or services. But many companies all too often miss the mark and forget about one very important word: branding.

As you can see from our visual below, telling someone you have an amazing car usually doesn’t mean much because it’s coming out of your own mouth. And if you keep repeating it, you can definitely count on your customers (or the woman you’re trying to impress) ignoring you. On the other hand, if someone tells them that you have an amazing car because of their amazing experience with you, chances are they’re going to want to go for a ride!

Brand Yourself

So, how do you brand yourself and become memorable? Make an effort to be a part of your customer’s world online instead of awkwardly trying to bring them into yours. Take notice of how your published content resonates with your audience (this is where data is helpful) and then replicate it when it’s successful. You need to understand that it is much more effective when other people talk about your business and share their positive responses with you compared to self-promotion.

Maximize Your Small Business Brand with CMDS

CMDS is a full service brand marketing agency that can help you connect with your online audience and strengthen your brand identity! Learn more about who we are and what we can do for you, contact us at INFO@CMDSONLINE.COM or 732-706-5555.


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