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Navigating Growth and Innovation: A Conversation with Chris Mulvaney and Steve Banks

Read Time 7 mins Published Jul 24, 2024

Join us on this exciting episode as Chris Mulvaney sits down with Steve Banks, the President of KMB Design Group, a leading engineering and design firm. Steve shares his journey, insights on innovative design solutions, and the future of engineering. Whether you’re an industry professional or just curious about the world of design and engineering, this episode is packed with valuable takeaways.

In a recent episode of the Arrow podcast, Chris Mulvaney, CEO of CMDS, welcomed Steve Banks, a key leader at KMB Design Group, for an engaging discussion on business growth, engineering innovation, and the importance of company culture. The conversation provided valuable insights into how KMB has evolved since its inception, navigating various challenges and seizing opportunities in the engineering landscape.

The Genesis of KMB Design Group

Founded in 2008 by Steve Banks and Steve Bray, KMB Design Group has grown into a formidable engineering firm, licensed across all 50 states. The company started with a strong team of 24 staff members, a number that has significantly increased over the years. What sets KMB apart is its strong emphasis on a family-like culture, a value inherited from its founders’ previous workplace, Innovative. Many of the original team members joined KMB, fostering a cohesive and supportive work environment.

“We call ourselves the KMB family,” Banks shared, highlighting the company’s commitment to its employees. This culture is evident in the various perks offered, such as a fully equipped gym, regular social events, and a relaxed workspace that encourages collaboration and well-being.

Expanding Horizons: From Telecommunications to Solar Engineering

KMB’s journey began in the wireless telecommunications sector, quickly establishing a reputation for excellence with major clients like T-Mobile and Dish Network. However, the firm’s vision extended beyond telecommunications. In 2009, KMB expanded into mechanical, electrical, plumbing (MEP), and solar engineering, diversifying its service offerings and client base.

This strategic expansion has positioned KMB as a versatile player in the engineering industry, capable of tackling projects ranging from utility coordination to electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. The company’s work in EV infrastructure is particularly noteworthy, likened to the early days of telecommunications in terms of industry potential and challenges.

Scaling Up: The Challenges and Triumphs

Scaling a business is never without challenges, and KMB’s journey has been no exception. According to Banks, one of the most significant periods of growth occurred around 2015, when the company took on several large projects that required rapid scaling of staff and resources. This growth necessitated not just hiring but also strategic internal processes to manage project timelines and deliverables effectively.

One of the key strategies that have contributed to KMB’s sustained growth is its approach to client relationships. Banks emphasized that KMB views its clients not merely as customers but as partners. This philosophy extends to how they handle projects, often going beyond the scope to add value and solve problems proactively.

Navigating the Talent Landscape

Talent acquisition and retention have been critical in KMB’s growth story. The firm has faced challenges in finding specialized talent, particularly in emerging fields like solar engineering. However, KMB has adopted a proactive approach to recruitment, including running continuous ads and building a network of potential candidates. This strategy has been complemented by a focus on training and development, ensuring that new hires are well-integrated into the company’s culture and operational workflows.

The Role of Marketing and Digital Presence

Chris Mulvaney’s marketing firm has played a pivotal role in enhancing KMB’s digital presence, driving lead generation through SEO and targeted campaigns. The firm’s efforts have resulted in a steady stream of inquiries, particularly in the solar engineering segment. This collaboration underscores the importance of a robust digital strategy in today’s competitive market landscape.

Looking Ahead: Future Directions and Opportunities

As KMB continues to grow, it is exploring new opportunities in sectors such as cannabis growth facilities, which present unique engineering challenges and opportunities. The company remains committed to innovation and adaptation, constantly seeking ways to refine its services and approach.

In conclusion, the conversation between Chris Mulvaney and Steve Banks highlights the dynamic interplay between business strategy and engineering expertise. While Mulvaney focuses on strategic growth and digital innovation, Banks brings a wealth of experience in engineering and operational management. Together, their insights offer a roadmap for companies looking to navigate growth and innovation in a complex and ever-changing industry landscape.

This episode of the Arrow podcast not only sheds light on the impressive journey of KMB Design Group but also provides valuable lessons in leadership, culture, and strategic growth that are applicable across industries. As both Mulvaney and Banks continue to lead their respective fields, their collaborative approach serves as a testament to the power of combining technical expertise with strategic business acumen.

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